Our educational approach is both traditional and forward-thinking. We are traditional in the sense that we teach a broad, well-balanced curriculum and offer an excellent enrichment programme that develops the whole pupil.

We are forward-thinking in that we provide our pupils with opportunities to develop the skills required for an ever changing world.

Senior School Curriculum


Our innovative educational approach to STEAM places real emphasis on harnessing our pupils’ creative talents and blends them with skills in creative and design led thinking, problem-solving, entrepreneurship, critical thinking leadership and resilience.

As part of our vibrant interdisciplinary curriculum, STEAM bridges the gap across practical and academic learning. It is a ‘hub’ of skills and attributes that complement the ever-changing workforce and life skills needed to facilitate good habits of mind. STEAM capitalises on the importance of technology (EdTech) and hard sciences in an increasingly digital world, preparing our pupils for the demands of the future.

Pupils are also taught STEAM themes through lessons in Art, Textiles, Design, Technology, Food Science, Animation, Computational Programming and Coding.

“My son is happy at school and is excelling in all subjects. He receives the support he needs to be the best that he can be.”

– Parent, Colchester Prep & High School

GCSE Options


In Year 9 we consult with our pupils and their parents to help them choose their GCSE subjects. We offer flexibility of choice and plenty of advice on how best to match subjects to the abilities and aspirations of each individual. That way we can make sure that pupils keep the right doors open so that they can continue to pursue their ambitions.

Pupils select three GCSE subjects of their choice to study alongside the compulsory subjects of English (Language and Literature) Mathematics and Science (double award available with Separate Science as an option). Pupils also have compulsory weekly PE and PSHE sessions.


The Mathematics Department also offer the opportunity to study Further Mathematics and/or Statistics.

Pupils who wish to take PE as a GCSE subject, will need to select it as one of their three GCSE option choices.

In September 2023, we will be offering a Business GCSE course.

Key Stage 3 lessons include:
Key Stage 4 lessons include:

Opportunities to aspire higher


Our Senior School pupils are encouraged to take part in nationally recognised competitions and accreditations.

Opportunities include:

Primary & Secondary British International School In Zurich – ISZN

Admissions : Kontaktdaten: +41 (0) 44 830 70 07